Application Process

If you wish to come to our faculty as an Erasmus+ student, firstly check with your home institutional coordinator, whether your university has a valid Erasmus+ Agreement with Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. If yes, then ask your home coordinators about the selection and nomination process at your home institution.

 Your home university must officially nominate you for a study stay via e-mail ( The information provided should include:

            Name and surname

            Date of birth

            E-mail address

            Study area according to an agreement

            Level of Study (Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate)

            Period of mobility (Fall, Spring or whole year)


After receiving the official nomination sent by home university, a nominated student will receive an information e-mail with the web link to reach online application.

Nomination / Application deadlines

For winter semester (begins approx. 1 October): 30 May / 15 June of the same calendar year

For summer semester (begins approx. 15 February): 30 November / 15 December of the previous calendar year