Ph.D. Programmes

The Doctoral level may be of particular interest to foreign students. The Ph.D. study fields are shown in the table.

PhD programme Programme director Contact Co-operating institutions Guaranteeing department
Botany Assoc. Prof. Jan Kučera (420)-387772383 Institute of Botany AS CR Department of Botany 
Entomology Assoc. Prof. Oldřich Nedvěd (420)-387772253 Biology Centre of AS CR Departmnet of Zoology 
Ecosystem Biology Prof. Hana Šantrůčková (420)-387772361 Biology Centre of AS CR Department of Ecosystem Biology 
Hydrobiology Prof. Jaroslav Vrba (420)-387772346 Biology Centre of AS CR, Institute of Microbiology AV CR Department of Ecosystem Biology 
Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics   Assoc. Prof. Tomáš Doležal (420)-387772229 Biology Centre of AS CR, Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics AS CR Department of Genetics and Department of Molecular biology 
Parasitology Assoc. Prof. Oleg Ditrich


Biology Centre of AS CR Department of Parasitology 
Physiology and Developmental Biology – Animal or Plant Specialization

Prof. Dalibor Kodrík

Prof. Jiří Šantrůček



Biology Centre of AS CR

Institute of Microbiology AV CR

Department of Animal Physiology and Department of Plant Physiology 
Biophysics Prof. Tomáš Polívka (420) 3807776259 Biology Centre of AS CR, Global Change Research Centre AS CR Institute of Physics and Biophysics 
Zoology Assoc. Prof. Radim Šumbera


Biology Centre of AS CR, Institute of Vertebrate Biology AS CR, Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics AS CR

Department of Zoology 

Infection biology Prof. Jan Kopecký (420)-387776274

Biology Centre of AS CR

Department of Medical Biology